Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Site Changes

Please notice the site changes. Though they are subtle, they were made during a time that definitely could have been better used studying. Screw that idea. I miss the daily blogging, the hours wasted at Xcell searching all over the 'net for sites to post for my lovely readers. Is anyone else finding that blogger is taking forever to update this site? When I make template changes or write a new post it takes several hours for the changes to go through. Could this be something that I am doing wrong?

I AM GOING TO ITALY! Sorry for the yelling, I despise those who feel the need to write everything that they say in all capitals (as well as those who still have not caught onto the idea of using punctuation, which I think also applies to text messaging, but that is another story for another time). I was informed last Friday of my acceptance into the Fall Study Abroad Italy 2005 program and I have been walking on a cloud ever since. Here is the first paragraph of the email they sent me

Dear Jenna,
By now you should have received the letter of acceptance for the Fall 2005 Study Abroad in Italy. Congratulations! This year we had over 100 participants, all very qualified, and the review process has been long and laborious. We look forward to working with you and sharing with you the wonderful culture and civilization of Italy.
What an awesome feeling it was opening up that email! I have been rejected from a lot of things that I have interviewed/tried out for. Actually, now that I think about it, whenever I interview face to face for something, I make it in fine, its when I have to do group things or send in packages (such as the Film Program App.) that things don't work out so well.
I will spend from September to December going to school. There is the possibility that I will stay through the end of February and volunteer at the Olympics, but I still havent made up my mind about that yet. Any advice? My parents don't think that it will be that great of an experience. Did any of you work the Salt Lake Olympics? How did you feel about those? Is it worth putting myself in debt for? Missing out on an entire semester of school? Not seeing my family for 7 months?

I recently decided that I want to be a bridal consultant (otherwise known as a wedding planner). I hate how nerdy it sounds (I have been spending how much money a year to do what?), but the more I plan events up in BYUSA, the easier it gets to admit to myself that it would be something I would be very good at.

I have been dreaming of my Italian teacher lately. I don't know if I love him because of his accent or his eccentric personality. He is a little crazy, but I will admit that I love it. He is only 22 or 23, would it be so wrong for us to date?

Wow this is turning into a long post. I am a nerd who can't get enough of broadway. My launchcast player just played this song for me. I loved it.

Don't Marry Me

You are young and beautiful,
Sweet as the breath of May.
Earnestly I speak to you.
Weigh ev'ry word I say.
If you want to have a rosy future
And be happy as a honey bee,
With a husband who will always love you,
Baby, Don't marry me.
If you want a man you can depend on,
I can absolutely guarantee
I will never fail to disappoint you,
Baby, Don't marry me.
I eat litchie nuts and cookies in bed
And I fill the bed with nutshells and crumbs.
I have irritating habits you'll dread,
Like the way I have of cracking my thumbs.
My grandpa was a big game hunter,
He met grandma swinging on a tree.
If you want to have attactive children,
Baby, Don't marry me.
--I would like to see my sons and daughters
Sliding up and down their father's knee.--
They'll get splinters in their little fannies,
Cookie, Don't marry me.
I'm devoted to my dear old Mama,
And if you and Mama disagree,
I would always side with her against you,
Schnookie, Don't marry me.
--I would always like to know where you go.
I don't like a man to keep me in doubt.--
Honey that's a thing that's easy to know,
You will always know where I am, I'm out!
I am talking like a Chinese uncle.
I'm as serious as I can be.
I am saying this because I love you,
Darling, Don't marry me!


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